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Darm Check, Mikrobiomanalyse, Probiotika, Praebiotika, Durchfall, Blaehungen, Erschoepfung

Gut Health CHECK

Digestive issues have increased significantly in recent years. About 40% of the Western population suffer from functional gastrointestinal disorders, with the correct diagnosis often taking years to be made. These are conditions that are associated with disturbances in the gut-brain axis and can severely impact the quality of life of those affected—women, in particular, more often than men.


  • Abdominal pain

  • Bloating

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Fatigue, Exhaustion

  • Headaches

  • Depressive mood

Although these symptoms are often considered harmless, they can be significantly burdensome for those affected. Traveling, dining out, or attending private gatherings is often difficult to fully enjoy.

In an extensive initial consultation, the necessary diagnostic steps will be defined:

  • Creation of a stool diary

  • Testing for food intolerances (lactose, fructose, histamine)

  • Referral for colonoscopy, gastroscopy, and abdominal ultrasound

  • Detailed microbiome analysis (comprehensive stool examination)

Based on the results, you will receive personalized recommendations to optimize your gut health. These include dietary advice, probiotics, prebiotics, and potentially other supplementary measures to support your microbiome and rebuild the intestinal barrier.


The term "gut microbiome" refers to the totality of microorganisms that inhabit the gut. This bacterial population plays a crucial role in the functioning of our digestion, immune system, and overall well-being. The microbiome develops during the first days after birth and continually changes with our lifestyle and diet. Current research suggests that a damaged gut flora may contribute to the development of various diseases such as obesity, diabetes, allergies, and depression.


We examine your microbiome for diversity, composition, and potential imbalances. The classic stool test is supplemented by this modern molecular genetic procedure, which identifies the genomes (genetic material) of the bacteria. By sequencing the gut bacteria, the exact composition of your gut flora is analyzed and displayed.


We indirectly assess the integrity of your gut barrier to detect signs of increased permeability. A "leaky gut" can lead to chronic inflammation and food intolerances.


1st Appointment: Detailed medical history and physical examination. Please fill out the following questionnaire in advance and bring it with you to the first appointment.

2nd Appointment: In-depth discussion of your results and therapy options.

Therapy for the microbiome is multifaceted. You will receive guidance on diet and potential lifestyle modifications. If necessary, we will create a therapy plan for you to rebuild your gut flora (prebiotics and probiotics). We collaborate with companies such as Biovis, Allergosan, and Microbiom Center. Home of Health is one of the first practices in Austria to offer personalized probiotics based on your microbiome analysis.


  • Option 1: Without microbiome analysis

  • Option 2: With microbiome analysis (by Biovis)

  • Option 3: With microbiome analysis (by Biovis) + creation of personalized probiotics

COSTS First Consultation (Duration: 30 min):
€ 100 (in addition to statutory health check-up)
€ 160 (without statutory health check-up)


Second Consultation (Duration: 30 min):
€ 160


Microbiome Analysis: Between € 134 and € 200

Wipplingerstrasse 32/21 . 1010 Wien    T +43 1 532 45 00



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